
Neurosurgery Health Library

  • Take Care of You: A Wellness Guide for Women

    Take Care of You: A Wellness Guide for Women

    Ladies, you are the masters of multitasking. But amid juggling life’s responsibilities and taking care of others, your own wellness might slip to the bottom of the to-do list. Take this as an important reminder: Your health matters, too!

  • Heart Disease Can Be Trickier in Women

    Heart Disease Can Be Trickier in Women

    Heart disease trumps all other diseases, including cancer, as the number one cause of death for American women. That's partly because women may suffer from less recognizable heart attack symptoms. The condition may also affect a woman’s body differently, making it harder to recognize.

  • Use of Drugs and Alcohol During Pregnancy

    Use of Drugs and Alcohol During Pregnancy

    Using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can be harmful at any time during your life. But they pose a double danger if you’re pregnant, jeopardizing your health and that of the unborn baby.

Wellness Center

About Your Asthma Action Plan

Your Asthma Action Plan includes information about your symptoms and medicines. It also includes instructions about managing your asthma symptoms and when to call your healthcare provider.


Immunization Quiz

You can fight off an infectious disease in one of two ways, by catching and surviving the disease or by getting a vaccine, which prevents you from catching it.


Step-by-Step: Using a Nebulizer with a Mouthpiece

This video shows how to use a nebulizer with a mouthpiece.

Symptom Checker